
Egypt or the Near East?

A cuneiform tradition in the Nile Valley


2 juin 2022
En ligne
8 PM (CET)


ette année 2022 est marquée par le 200ème anniversaire du déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes par Champollion. À cette occasion, nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le premier cycle d’une nouvelle série de conférences thématiques sur les écritures en Égypte (et en relation avec l’Égypte), intitulée « Egypt, land of writing(s) ».

Cet événement est gratuit et se tiendra en ligne. Les conférences seront données en anglais.

Le programme du premier cycle est disponible ici, de même que les liens de connexion pour accéder aux webinaires.


The year 2022 will see the 200th anniversary of the deciphering of the hieroglyphs by Champollion. At this occasion, we have the pleasure to announce the first cycle of a new thematic lecture series on writing(s) in Egypt (and in relation to Egypt), titled “Egypt, land of writing(s)”.

This event is free and will be held online. The lectures will be given in English.

The program of the first cycle is available here as well as the connection links to the webinars.

Poster (PDF)


Une conférence de Jana MYNÁŘOVÁ (Charles University in Prague)

The use of cuneiform in the region of the Levant and the neighbouring areas during the Late Bronze Age represents a complex issue. In recent years several key-studies have been published attempting to analyze the problems pertaining to the acquisition and adoption of cuneiform writing in these peripheral areas. It is the aim of this presentation to present some suggestions concerning the role and acquisition of cuneiform writing in Egypt, largely based on the study of the palaeography of the Amarna texts of Egyptian origin, in particular texts of an epistolary and school character. As far as the identity of the scribes of the Amarna letters is concerned the subject can be, at the very most, described as questionable, insecure or dubious. By dint of great effort of various scholars we are more or less familiar with the curriculum the scribes followed and, by means of educational documents, we are not totally ignorant of the system of their education. Therefore a special attention will be given to scribes living at Amarna (ancient Akhetaten), set into a broader context of the Egyptian scribal traditions.


Chantrain Gaëlle

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